PSI's core values are a belief in markets and market
mechanisms to contribute to sustained improvements in the lives of the poor;
results and a strong focus on measurement; speed and efficiency with a
predisposition to action and an aversion to bureaucracy; decentralization and
empowering our staff at the local level; and a long term commitment to the
people we serve. PSI has programs in 67 countries.
The United Nations (UN) Commission on Life-Saving
Commodities for Women and Children (the Commission) was set up in response to
the call in the UN Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and
Children’s Health for increasing access to and appropriate use of medicines,
medical devices and health supplies that effectively address leading avoidable
causes of death during pregnancy, childbirth and childhood.
The Commission identified 13 essential commodities that
could save the lives of millions of women and children and made 10
recommendations for how to get these commodities to those who need them most.
Among the 49 Every Woman Every Child initiative countries, eight countries expressed
interest in becoming “Pathfinder” countries that would initiate the
Commission’s work (DRC, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania and
In October 2013, PSI and its DRC network member ASF
(PSI/ASF) were identified as receipients of a RMNCH grant. This funding is
meant to support implementation of 3 activities of the DRC National plan for
the 13 products that save the lives of women and children, under the umbrella
of the UN Commission on Life Saving Commodities (UNCoLSC). In this preparatory
phase of 9 months (August 2014 to April 2015) PSI/ASF will:
- DRC.
- care
- implementation
Scope of Work
We are looking for a consultant to help the DRC team to do a
situation analysis through qualitative study and document review to (1) guide
the ASF team in developing DRC-specific marketing plans for the 13 commodities
(based on the existing 7 global marketing roadmaps created by the Rec 7 working
group and filling the gaps for the 6 other commodities) and (2) identify human
insights around the 13 commodities to help the ASF team develop communication
campaigns promoting them to the target population and health care providers.
- At
distance support – literature review and gap analysis – 7 days
Remotely, the consultant will review the global marketing
roadmaps available and the documents that PSI/W team will pull to begin a
situation analysis. The consultant will draft a literature review summarizing
the knowledge and usage of the 13 products, due five weeks after the start of
the consultancy.
The main point is to identify and document the following
aspects of the Situation Analysis:
- Commodities
clustering – Before being able to market and promote the 13
commodities, it’s important that ASF has a deep understanding of all 13
commodities. A detailed description of the functional benefits and usage
of each commodity should lead to a clustering of these commodities in the
perspective of simplifying their promotion to providers and consumers.
Criteria for clustering should be clearly explained in the Situation
Analysis document (i.e.: based on the target audience or on aspects such
as types of delivery channels and/or delivery models).
- Behaviors
and behavioral determinants - Based on the literature, the
consultant should identify the barriers for using the 13 commodities with
a specific focus on female condom, implant and emergency contraceptive.
This analysis should be done at 2 levels: general and country-specific.
Additionally, based on the roadmaps developed, the consultant should
analyze and summarize the common barriers or drivers found in supplying
and using the commodities via the public and the private sector as well as
the barriers specific to DRC. While the emphasis should be placed on
non-regulatory barriers, the consultant should also summarize the
regulatory and supply barriers identified by the GDRC in order to provide
ASF with an integrated view on the barriers to market/distribute the 13
- Segmentation –
Segmentation is a key aspect for promoting products and services. The
consultant shall identify the various segments involved in supplying,
promoting and using the 13 commodities. The following question should
guide the segmentation process: Which target present the most challenge
and why? How the various targets are linked to each other? What are their
common needs?
- Universe
of needs and market size – The consultant should provide ballpark
figures for the market potential for each of the 13 commodities.
The Situation Analysis shall be presented as visually as
possible. The sources of the data collected should be specified throughout the
- Trip
to Kinshasa – situation analysis, visit partners, providers, consumers,
and lead workshop with key partners - 10 days + 2 days of travel
The consultant will travel to Kinshasa for a 10 day trip in
Quarter 3 to finish the situation analysis by visiting partners, service
providers and consumers. With the support of ASF and with guidance from JHUCCP
(who will use the consultant’s analysis to develop demand creation activities
for the 7 commodities developed by the Rec 7 working group), the Consultant
will survey partners, health care providers, targeted population and
distributors, and consumers to better understand the gaps to distribution and
usage of these products. One key aspect of surveying providers and consumers
will be to identify key human insights for developing mobilizing ideas that
will be used to promote the clusters of commodities previously identified.
Based on the outcomes of this field phase, the consultant will work with the
ASF team, the regional researcher, and the regional marketing consultant to
form a research plan for filling the gaps identified at the literature review
and field phases.
At the end of his/her trip, the consultant will facilitate a
workshop with national stakeholders along with JHUCCP to share the info
collected in the situation analysis. The final version of the Situation
Analysis should incorporate the comments from national stakeholders and JHUCCP.
- At
distance support – Help DRC team to prepare a strategic plan for demand
creation for 13 products – 11 days
After his/her return from Kinshasa, the consultant will
start to elaborate a strategic plan for demand creation for the 13 products,
based on the global roadmaps and the barriers to use identified during the
literature review and the interview with stakeholders. Using PSI tools, such as
the Provider BCC toolkit, the consultant will work with the ASF team and
regional marketing consultant to develop a Provider Behavior Change Plan.
The total LOE for this SOW is expected to be no more than 30
working days (including travel time)
- Literature
review of barriers in using and supplying of five reproductive health
- Research
plan outline to answer the information gaps identified in the literature
- Organization
and delivery (in French) of workshop on the situation analysis re: the 13
health saving commodities with partners and stakeholders.
- Detailed
Situation Analysis document to inform the development of marketing and
communication plans for the 13 commodities.
- Create
a list of recommendations, for each cluster of products (Maternal Health,
Newborn Health, Child Health and Reproductive health) for the ASF team to
take into account when transforming the Rec 7 Roadmaps into DRC-specific
marketing and communication plans.
Please apply online at
PSI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages
applications from qualified individuals regardless of race, religion,
national origin, sexual orientation or disability.
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