Assignment Code: 10007218
Assignment Title: Training in Onion Production and Post-Harvest Handling and Storage
Client: Onion Phnom Pongro Kangva Development Community
Location: Serei Sophoan (Sisophon), Cambodia
Recruitment Status: Open
Duration: 5 weeks
Proposed Start: February 2013
Client Description:
Since 2003, local farmers from Banteay Meanchey Province have been actively harvesting onions for local consumption. This crop offers families an alternative to poverty, in one of the poorest regions in Cambodia.
Unfortunately, this business has not generated sufficient financial benefits for producers. In a context in which most producers have been relying on traditional and primary production techniques, there are technical harvest and post-harvest issues that have affected the onions’ quality, productivity and conservation, causing consequently, serious difficulties to meet the demand and/or commercialise the produce locally or overseas at a fair price.
Some of these issues are being addressed with the assistance from Cambodia Agribusiness Development Facility (CADF), and the participation of 42 members (producers) and a Farmer Business Advisor, organised around the Onion Development Community; a business organisation formed on 29 July 2012 to promote new production and post-harvest techniques to increase onions’ quality and productivity; establish new markets and identify channels through which producers can add value and commercialise their produce; increase profits for producers.
Assignment Summary:
- Perform rapid soil analysis and recommendations for soil treatment / fertilization
- Produce an onion growing manual for onion farmers
- Provide training courses on onion production to about 80 farmers
- Provide training on onion post-harvest handling to farmers and collectors.
- Recommendations for further activities.
- Improved quality and sustainable onion production for farmer and collector clients
- Farmers qualification level are effective understand;
- The consultant will strongly to provide additional advice to farmers for improving know-how onion growing, post-harvest technologies, and onion controlling.
- Consultant will be asked to write report on the result of trainings and provide recommendation for CADF team
The client has requested a volunteer with the following skills and experience:
- Qualifications: Agronomist or similar qualification
- Skills: -Training skills; Ability to prepare production / post-harvest handling manual(s)
- Experience: Onions production and post harvesting; analysis of problems, objectives and effects/impact; Market driven diversification of agricultural products; Experience in providing training and extension services
- ability to cope with a standard of living different to that of Australia
- patience, tolerance and flexibility
- cultural sensitivity and the ability to live and work in a new cultural setting;
- willingness to work with limited resources within a challenging and tropical environment
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