Title: Indonesia - Agri-Fin Mobile Gender Programming
Tracking Code: 218441-927
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
- Job Description
DATES OF INTERNSHIP: April 15th – July 15th (flexible)
Note: It is possible to conduct up to 4 weeks of this internship remotely, extended after July 15 if necessary. The holiday schedule in Indonesia will make it difficult for the intern to complete his/her responsibilities from Jakarta after July 15.
LENGTH OF INTERNSHIP: 10-12 weeks (flexible within the dates above)
This is an unpaid internship
- Mercy Corps responsibilities
In-country travel to field locations
ISOS Emergency Medical Evacuation
- Intern responsibilities
International travel to the country office
Living/personal expenses
Visa fees
Travel Insurance
Health Insurance
Other miscellaneous expenses
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The unique Agri-Fin Mobile program works with partners to build sustainable models. Within Agri-Fin Mobile, crop management tools and financial services are "bundled" in affordable, unified platforms on mobile phone channels to promote mass uptake commercially. The program targets partners with existing financial, MNO and agricultural technical service mobile platforms or applications, or demonstrated interest in developing and investing in them. Agri-Fin Mobile also facilitates development of a business model whereby the bundling process provides an increased value proposition for each partner, such as increased fee income, greater outreach or reduced risks.
Agri-Fin Mobile will achieve two primary results within the 3-year program time frame:
1) 180,000 smallholder farmers will increase farm productivity and food security through improved productivity and financial management practices accessed via mobile based technologies.
2) A commercially viable business model which “bundles” key services from agriculture industry stakeholders, research and extension institutions, financial service providers, and telecommunications companies, will be developed in three locations (Indonesia, Uganda, Zimbabwe) offering detailed examples for replication and scalability.
Over the course of the three year program, Agri-Fin also aims to specifically targer 10,000 vulnerable farmers in Indonesia. Vulnerable farmers are can be defined as female farmers, subsistence, illiterate, or marginalized by any other type of socio-economic class, geography, race, religion or social norms. For the first phase, Agri-Fin Mobile has identified the largest vulnerable group to be female farmers and would like to define projects and products with a specific gender focus to ensure that services are offered in such a way that they are meaningful and impactful to this target market.
OBJECTIVES & Responsibilities: For the first phase of the program, the Gender Intern will assist the program team in developing a strategy to build capacity among vulnerable farmers. To that end, the intern will assist the program team in the following activities:
- Research major issues faced by the vulnerable farmers groups, including potential barriers to Agri-Fin user services.
- Research existing capacity building initiatives related to vulnerable farmer groups within the development field.
- Support “Training of Trainers” for partner staff who will deliver training to beneficiaries.
- Research methods and best practices for beneficiary trainings targeted toward mobile services.
- Design capacity building strategy for Agri-Fin Mobile.
- Develop program evaluation strategy to understand;
- Which capacity building activities provided benefits, and why or why not?
- What benefits were received from the capacity building activities?
- Pilot a survey instrument and focus group discussion guide in coordination with the Program Coordinator.
- Provide recommendations for improvements to future capacity building activities.
- Create a strategy for capacity building for vulnerable farmers groups.
- Design implementation of Training of Trainer to partner staff in conducting training for vulnerable farmers groups.
- Develop specific survey methodology to evaluate implementation of training aimed at vulnerable farmers groups
- Survey instrument and Focus Group Discussion Guide
- Survey report outline.
- At the end of this internship, the intern will be able to effectively develop the strategy for conducting capacity building for vulnerable
- The intern will develop broad knowledge of mobile technology development schemes and best practices for enabling beneficiaries to access services
- The intern will be familiar with beneficiary training strategies, field survey techniques and program evaluation strategy
- Bachelors Degree in International Development, Social Sciences, Economics, Agriculture, or related field.
- Masters Degree in International Development, Social Science, Agriculture or related field completed or in process.
- Minimum 2 years experience working with vulnerable groups, agricultural development work, program assessment or a related field
- Working knowledge of microfinance
- Experience conducting capacity building assessments, developing questionnaires, conducting interviews and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data.
- Experience with logical framework approaches to monitoring and evaluation
- Proficiency in English required
- Proficiency in Bahasa is desireable
LIVING CONDITIONS: Jakarta provides a secure living environment that is suitable for individuals. It offers a number of individual housing options with good utilities. The Intern may be required to conduct short-term trips as part of his/her job; many of the field sites s/he may visit will require an awareness of possible security threats and knowledge of changing security environment throughout the country.
Mercy Corps interns and volunteers represent the agency both during and outside of work hours and are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and MC's policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.
- Job Location
- Jakarta, , Indonesia
- Position Type
- Full-Time/Regular
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