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Human Resources Management Advisor, Primary Health Care Project - MSI - Baghdad, Iraq

Position: Human Resources Management Advisor, Primary Health Care Project Iraq, Baghdad
Location: Iraq

Project/Proposal Summary: 
The Iraqi Ministry of Health is currently engaged to move forward with stabilizing and reorganizing its health services. Ensuring access to routine, high quality and equitable healthcare has emerged as a critical need and the Government of Iraq is committed to improving the quality of primary healthcare (PHC) services. To assist with these efforts, USAID’s Primary Health Care Project Iraq (PHCPI) has been designed to support the Iraqi Ministry of Health (MoH) to achieve its strategic goal through putting in place key building blocks to support the delivery of quality PHC services at the community and facility levels. Within this framework, PHCPI includes three components: 1) Strengthening Supportive Management Systems and Processes, 2) Strengthening Quality Clinical Care, and 3) Building Community Partnerships for PHC.  These components, separately and together, will assist the Government to implement quality care for its population and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of PHC services. The Community Partnership component focuses on: 1) patient rights; 2) establishing effective behavioral change strategies with clients that foster healthy life style practices; and 3) developing and working with civil societies and other community groups to effectively link with PHCs.  The PHCPI will last 4 years.  The HR Management Advisor position is local position.  The assignment is for (1 year) with possibility of renewal.  The selected candidate is supposed to start as soon as possible. 

Position Summary: Under the general guidance of the Director of Health Management Systems, the Human Resources Management Advisor (HRMA) will provide technical assistance to the MOH in the areas of human resources development, policies, planning and regulation, management of health human resources, analysis of labor markets and work conditions.  The HRMA will also work closely with the MOH to strengthen planning and performance of human resources for health and coordinate with the capacity development advisor to build for knowledge and skills in the development of criteria and instruments for evaluating primary health care program interventions.

**Please note that this is a local position.  Only Iraqi citizens are eligible to apply.**

  • Provide technical assistance to build the capacity of MOH to revise PHC organizational structure, job descriptions;
  • Assist MOH to develop policies and procedures for performance appraisal and feedback;
  • Coordinate with the project advisors to develop management and leadership training program;
  • Assist Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on HR management issues for strengthening PHC service delivery;
  • Coordinate with Capacity development advisor to conduct training in the relevant areas; 
  • Work with Health Operation Advisor to assist MOH to develop and implement Handbook of Quality Standards and Operational Guidelines for Management of Primary Care Clinics;
  • Work closely with the MOH to strengthen planning and performance of human resources for PHC;
  • Assist MOH in creating incentives to promote participation in the training programs;
  • Support the development of supportive supervision guidelines including mentoring, coaching and feedback, and supporting staff development opportunities.

  • 10 years of relevant experience in public health, specifically in carrying health management activities in Iraqi MOH facilities. HR management or equivalent experience and training in related field.
  • Master degree in nursing, allied health and/or public health, health administration or relevant field is required.
  • Past experience working in international health settings.
  • Good writing and interpersonal skills. 
  • Fluency in English and Arabic
  • Possession of Iraqi citizenship is required.

Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.

To apply for this position, please click here