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Health Sector Specialist, Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Contract - MSI - Islamabad, Pakistan

Post: Health Sector Specialist, Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Contract, Pakistan
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
Project Summary
In June 2011, Management Systems International (MSI) was awarded the Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Contract (IMEC). Under IMEC, MSI will support verification, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting for USAID/Pakistan’s entire portfolio of projects. The goal is to assess whether USAID resources are well-spent and achieving desired results and to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse in the administration of programs, regardless of the implementation mechanism.

Position Summary
The Health Sector Specialist will be a part of a three person M&E Project evaluation team, which will conduct a midterm evaluation of USAID’s DELIVER program. 
The purpose of this evaluation is to:
·         Determine how far DELIVER has come in achieving the work set out in its work plan and scope of work.
·         Identify problems that require correction in order to increase the effectiveness of the program.
·         Provide inputs to USAID on the possibility of expanding the project to other health commodities, e.g., national TB program.

This is a short-term assignment, based in Islamabad with required travel for fieldwork in seven or eight districts (TBD) throughout Pakistan. The health sector specialist will report to the team leader and evaluation manager and will be contracted for up to 26 working days.

** Please note that this is a local position based in Islamabad.
Only local citizens are eligible to apply **

The Health Sector Specialist will contribute to the midterm evaluation of USAID’s DELIVER project by participating in finalizing the evaluation design, data collection, analysis and writing sections of the evaluation report as assigned by the team leader. S/he will undertake the following tasks:
·         Review project documents including, but not limited to the contract/task orders, progress reports, work plans and PMP;
·         Participate in an evaluation orientation workshop with the Implementing Partner (IP);
·         Identify gaps in information available for  answering the evaluation questions;
·         Contribute to finalizing the primary data collection instruments, including key informant interviews; 
·         Contribute to developing a question and answer plan for the evaluation;
·         Participate in field visits and data collection (districts to be determined);
·         Analyze quantitative and qualitative data;
·         Participate in the development of a Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations (FCR) table as per the work plan;
·         Participate in developing and implementing a debriefing presentation for the IP and USAID; and
·         Write sections of the evaluation report (draft and final);
·         Any other tasks as required to successfully complete the evaluation.

At least 10-15 years’ experience in Pakistan’s health sector including at least five-to-seven years’ experience in health delivery systems, especially supply chain management of health commodities.
At least three to five years of evaluation experience as a team member.

To apply for this position,please click here