Acronym | Meaning | Country |
UA | Adventist University | Rwanda |
UA | Uganda Army | Uganda |
UA | Ugandan American | Uganda |
UAACC | United African Alliance Community Center | Tanzania |
UAC | Uganda AIDS Commission | Uganda |
UAF | Uganda Athletics Federation | Uganda |
UAH | Ugandans at Heart | Uganda |
UAUT | United African University of Tanzania | Tanzania |
UB | Université du Burundi | Burundi |
UBA | Uganda Bankers Association | Uganda |
UBA | United Bank for Africa | |
UBC | Uganda Broadcasting Corporation | Uganda |
UBL | Uganda Breweries Limited | Uganda |
UBOS | Uganda Bureau of Statistics | Uganda |
UBPR | Union des Banques Populaires du Rwanda | Rwanda |
UBT | Ubungo Bus Terminal (Tanzania) | Tanzania |
UBTEB | Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board | Uganda |
UBTS | Uganda Blood Transfusion Service | Uganda |
UCA | Uganda Cooperative Alliance | Uganda |
UCA | Uganda Cricket Association | Uganda |
UCAA | Uganda Civil Aviation Authority | Uganda |
UCB | Uchumi Commercial Bank | Tanzania |
UCC | Uganda Communication Commission | Uganda |
UCC | University Computing Center | Tanzania |
UCC | Uganda Communications Commission | Uganda |
UCCCU | Uganda Crane Creameries Cooperative Union | Uganda |
UCDA | Uganda Coffee Development Authority | Uganda |
UCE | Uganda Certificate of Education | Uganda |
UCE | Uganda Commodity Exchange | Uganda |
UCF | Uganda Chess Federation | Uganda |
UCF | Uganda Conservation Foundation | Uganda |
UCH | Uganda Chartered HealthNet | Uganda |
UCI | Uganda Cancer Institute | Uganda |
UCIFA | Uganda Clearing Industry and Forwarding... | Uganda |
UCK | Université Catholique de Kabgayi | Rwanda |
UCL | Uganda Clays Limited | Uganda |
UCLAS | University College of Lands, Architecture and Surveys | Tanzania |
UCMB | Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau | Uganda |
UCMP | Uganda Chamber of Mines and Petroleum | Uganda |
UCO | Uganda Country Office | Uganda |
UCRT | Ujamaa Community Resource Team | Tanzania |
UCS | Uganda Cancer Society | Uganda |
UCSAF | Universal Communications Service Access Fund | Tanzania |
UCSCU | Uganda Cooperative Savings and Credit Union | Uganda |
UCSD | Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development | Uganda |
UCTF | Uganda Charity Trust Fund | Uganda |
UCU | Uganda Christian University | Uganda |
UDB | Uganda Development Bank | Uganda |
UDC | Université des Collines | Burundi |
UDC | Uganda Development Corporation | Uganda |
UDC | Uganda Development Corporation | Uganda |
UDEAC | Central African Customs and Economic Union | |
UDF | Unified Democratic Forces | Rwanda |
UDHR | Universal Declaration for Human Rights | |
UDHS | Uganda Demographic Health Survey | Uganda |
UDN | Uganda Debt Network | Uganda |
UDOM | University of Dodoma | Tanzania |
UDS | Uganda Development Services | Uganda |
UDSM | University of Dar es Salaam | Tanzania |
UDSM-IMS | University of Dar Es Salaam - Institute of Marine Sciences | Tanzania |
UDSM-IRA | University of Dar Es Salaam - Institute of Resource Assessment | Tanzania |
UEA | Université Espoir d'Afrique | Burundi |
UEA | University of East Africa | Tanzania |
UEAB | University of Eastern Africa, Baraton | Kenya |
UEB | Uganda Electricity Board | Uganda |
UEC | Uganda Episcopal Conference | Uganda |
UEDCL | Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Limited | Uganda |
UEEF | Uganda Environmental Education Foundation | Uganda |
UEGCL | Uganda Electricity Generation Company Ltd | Uganda |
UEPB | Uganda Export Promotion Board | Uganda |
UETCL | Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd | Uganda |
UFA | Uganda Federal Alliance | Uganda |
UFEA | Uganda Flower Exporters Association | Uganda |
UFF | Uganda Film Festival | Uganda |
UFF | Uganda Freedom Fighters | Uganda |
UFL | University Football League | Uganda |
UFM | Uganda Freedom Movement | Uganda |
UG | University of Gitwe | Rwanda |
UG | Uganda | Uganda |
UGHE | University of Global Health Equity | Rwanda |
UGL | Université des Grands Lacs | Burundi |
UGO | Uganda Goes Online | Uganda |
UGX | Ugandan Shilling | |
UHI | Uganda Heart Institute | Uganda |
UHRC | Uganda Human Rights Commission | Uganda |
UHSC | Uganda Health Supply Chain | Uganda |
UHTTI | Uganda Hotel and Tourism Training Institute | Uganda |
UIA | Uganda Investment Authority | Uganda |
UIA | Uganda Insurers Association | Uganda |
UIA | Uganda Investment Authority | Uganda |
UIBFS | Uganda Institute of Banking and Financial Services | Uganda |
UIC | Uganda Insurance Commission | Uganda |
UICT | Uganda Institute of Information & Communication Technology | Uganda |
UIGF | Uganda Internet Governance Forum | Uganda |
UIPE | Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers | Uganda |
UIRI | Uganda Industrial Research Institute | Uganda |
UIXP | Uganda Internet Exchange Point | Uganda |
UJCC | Uganda Joint Christian Council | Uganda |
UJU | Uganda Journalists Union | Uganda |
ULA | Uganda Land Alliance | Uganda |
ULBU | Université Lumière de Bujumbura | Burundi |
ULC | Uganda Land Commission | Uganda |
ULGA | Uganda Local Governments Associations | Uganda |
ULII | Uganda Legal Information Institute | Uganda |
ULK | Université Libre de Kigali | Rwanda |
ULK | Kigali Independent University | Rwanda |
ULRC | Uganda Law Reform Commission | Uganda |
ULS | Uganda Law Society | Uganda |
ULT | Université du Lac Tanganyika | Burundi |
UM | Université de Mwaro | Burundi |
UMA | Uganda Manufacturers Association | Uganda |
UMBS | Uganda Muslim Brothers and Sisters | Uganda |
UMDF | Uganda Media Development Foundation | Uganda |
UMDPC | Uganda Medical and Dental Practitioners Council | Uganda |
UMEA | Uganda Muslim Education Association | Uganda |
UMI | Uganda Management Institute | Uganda |
UMLK | Université Martin Luther King | Burundi |
UMNP | Udzungwa Mountain National Park | Tanzania |
UMSC | Uganda Muslim Supreme Council | Uganda |
UMU | Uganda Martyrs University | Uganda |
UMWA | Uganda Media Women Association | Uganda |
UN | United Nations | |
UN | United Nations (UN) | |
UN Women | United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women | |
UNAA | Ugandan North American Association | Uganda |
UNAB | Uganda National Association of the Blind | Uganda |
UNABCEC | Uganda National Association of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors | Uganda |
UNADA | Uganda National Agro-input Dealers Association | Uganda |
UNAIDS | Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS | |
UNAMIR | United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda | Rwanda |
UNAP | Uganda Nutrition Action Plan | Uganda |
UNAPD | Uganda National Action on Physical Disability | Uganda |
UNAS | Uganda National Academy of Sciences | Uganda |
UNAU | United Nations Association of Uganda | Uganda |
UNBS | Uganda National Bureau of Standards | Uganda |
UNBS | Uganda National Bureau of Standards | |
UNC | Uganda National Congress | Uganda |
UNCC | Uganda National Cultural Centre | Uganda |
UNCCI | Uganda National Chamber of Commerce & Industry | Uganda |
UNCHE | Uganda National Council of Higher Education | Uganda |
UNCST | Uganda National Council for Science and Technology | Uganda |
UNCT | UN Country Team | |
UNDAF | UN Development Framework | |
UNDAP | United Nations Development Assistance Plan | |
UNDEP | United Nations Environment Program | |
UNDF | United Nations Detention Facility | Rwanda |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme | |
UNDP | United Nations Develop Programme | Uganda |
UNDSS | United Nations Department of Safety and Security | |
UNEB | Uganda National Examinations Board | Uganda |
UNECA | United Nations Economic Commission for Africa | |
UNEF | United Nations Emergency Force | |
UNEP | United Nations Environmental Programme | |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | |
UNFA | Uganda National Farmers Association | Uganda |
UNFPA | United Nations Population Fund | |
UNG | Université de Ngozi | Burundi |
UNGA | United Nations General Assembly | |
UNHABITAT | United Nations Human Settlements Programme | |
UNHAS | United Nations Humanitarian Air Service | |
UNHCO | Uganda National Health Consumers Organization | Uganda |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | |
UNHRO | Uganda National Health Research Organization | Uganda |
UNHRO | Uganda National Health Research Organisation | Uganda |
UNHS | Uganda National Household Survey | Uganda |
UNIC | United Nations Information Centre | |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund | |
UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization | |
UNIIB | United Nations Independent Investigation on Burundi | Burundi |
UNIK | University of Kibungo | Rwanda |
UNILAK | University of Lay Adventists of Kigali | Rwanda |
UNISE | Uganda National Institute of Special Education | Uganda |
UNITAR | United Nations Institute for Training and Research | |
UNJLC | United Nations Joint Logistics Centre | |
UNMA | Uganda National Meteorological Authority | Uganda |
UNMAS | United Nations Mine Action Services | |
UNMC | Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council | Uganda |
UNMHCP | Uganda National Minimum Health Care Package | Uganda |
UNMIS | United Nations Mission in Sudan | |
UNMU | Uganda Nurses and Midwives Union | Uganda |
UNOCHA | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs | |
UNODC | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime | |
UNOMUR | United Nations Observer Mission in Uganda-Rwanda | Rwanda |
UNR | Université Ntare Rugamba | Burundi |
UNR | National University of Rwanda | Rwanda |
UNR | Université Nationale du Rwanda | Rwanda |
UNRA | Uganda National Roads Authority | Uganda |
UNRA | Uganda National Roads Authority | Uganda |
UNRF | Uganda National Rescue Front | Uganda |
UNSECOORD | United Nations Security Coordinator's Office | |
UNU | United Nations University (UNU) | |
UNV | United Nations Volunteers | |
UNWTO | World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) | |
UoA | University of Arusha | Tanzania |
UoB | University of Bagamoyo | Tanzania |
UOB | Urwego Opportunity Bank | Rwanda |
UOBDU | United Organisation for Batwa Development in Uganda | Uganda |
UOC | Uganda Olympic Committee | Uganda |
UoE | University of Eldoret | Kenya |
UoEm | University of Embu | Kenya |
UoI | University of Iringa | Tanzania |
UoK | University of Kabianga | Kenya |
UOK | University of Kigali | Rwanda |
UoN | University of Nairobi | Kenya |
UP | Umutara Polytechnic | Rwanda |
UP(s) | Underlying Principle(s) | |
UPC | Uganda Peoples Congress | Uganda |
UPD | United Democratic Party (Tanzania) | Tanzania |
UPD | Union for Peace and Development | Burundi |
UPDA | Uganda People's Democratic Army | Uganda |
UPDF | Uganda People's Defence Force | Uganda |
UPDP | United Peoples Democratic Party | Tanzania |
UPE | Universal Primary Education | Tanzania / Uganda |
UPE | Universal Primary Education | Uganda |
UPF | Uganda Police Force | Uganda |
UPG | Université Polytechnique de Gitega | Burundi |
UPK | Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo | Uganda |
UPL | Uganda Premeir League | Uganda |
UPMB | Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau | Uganda |
UPR | Université Paix et Reconciliation | Burundi |
UPRS | Uganda Performing Right Society | Uganda |
UPTC | Uganda Posts and Telecommunications Corporation | Uganda |
UPU | Uganda Pentecostal University | Uganda |
UQIS | Uganda Quarantine Inspection Services | Uganda |
UR | University of Rwanda | Rwanda |
URA | Ugandan revenue authority | Uganda |
URC | Uganda Railways Corporation | Uganda |
URC | Uganda Railways Corporation | Uganda |
URC | Uganda Red Cross | Uganda |
URCS | Uganda Red Cross Society | Uganda |
URCSF | Uganda Rural Community Support Foundation | Uganda |
URDT | Uganda Rural Development and Training | Uganda |
URF | Uganda Road Fund | Uganda |
URF | Uganda Rural Fund | Uganda |
URHC | Uganda Refinery Holding Company | Uganda |
URRO | Uganda Reproduction Rights Organisation | Uganda |
URSB | Uganda Registration Services Bureau | Uganda |
URSSI | Uganda Road Sector Support Initiative | Uganda |
URT | United Republic of Tanzania | Tanzania |
URU | Uganda Rugby Union | Uganda |
US | Uganda Shilling | Uganda |
USA | Uganda Society of Architects | Uganda |
USAID | United StateS Agency for International Development | |
USD | United States Dollar | |
USD | United States Dollars | |
USDC | Uganda Society for Disabled Children | Uganda |
USE | Uganda Securities Exchange | Uganda |
USE | Universal Secondary Education | Uganda |
USH | University of the Sacred Heart Gulu | Uganda |
USIU-Africa | United States International University | Kenya |
USL | Uganda Super League | Uganda |
USPA | Uganda Sports Press Association | Uganda |
USSIA | Uganda Small Scale Industries Association | Uganda |
UTA | Uganda Tourism Association | Uganda |
UTAB | University of Technology and Arts of Byumba | Rwanda |
UTAMU | Uganda Technology and Management University | Uganda |
UTB | University of Tourism Technology and Business Studies | Rwanda |
UTB | Uganda Tourist Board | Uganda |
UTC | Union Trade Centre (Rwanda) | Rwanda |
UTC | Uganda Technical College | Uganda |
UTL | Uganda Telecom Ltd | Uganda |
UTPC | Union of Tanzania Press Clubs | Tanzania |
UTT | Unit Trust of Tanzania | Tanzania |
UU | Umma University | Kenya |
UVA | Uganda Veterinary Association | Uganda |
UVF | Uganda Volleyball Federation | Uganda |
UVP | Uganda Village Project | Uganda |
UVP | Uganda Volunteers for Peace | Uganda |
UVRI | Uganda Virus Research Institute | Uganda |
UWA | Uganda Wildlife Authority | Uganda |
UWA | Uganda Wildlife Authority | Uganda |
UWEC | Uganda Wildlife Education Centre | Uganda |
UWEC | Ugandan Wildlife Education Centre | Uganda |
UYAFPAH | Uganda Youth Alliance for Family Planning... | Uganda |
UYAHF | Uganda Youth and Adolescent Health Forum | Uganda |
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