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Acroynm / AbbreviationMeaningSpecific Country
C&FCost & Freight
CAACivil Aviation Authority
CACHA Canada-Africa Community Health AllianceTanzania
CAG Controller Auditor GeneralTanzania
CAHWs Community-Based Animal Health WorkersTanzania
CAPMERAgency Center for Support to Small and medium EnterprisesRwanda
CARCentral African Republic
CARECooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CARMATECCentre for Agricultural Mechanisation and Rural TechnologyTanzania
CARMMACampaign for Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa
CARUMUCoCardinal Rugambwa Memorial University College
CAS Central Admission SystemTanzania
CAVM College of Agriculture and Veterinary MedicineRwanda
CAWAT Centre for Advancement of Women in Agriculture in TanzaniaTanzania
CBACommercial Bank of Africa LtdTanzania
CBECollege of Business EducationTanzania
CBE Conqueror of the British EmpireUganda
CBEHPP Community Based Environmental Health Promotion ProgrammeRwanda
CBET Competence Based Education and TrainingTanzania
CBFM Community Based Forest ManagementTanzania
CBHC Community Based Health CareUganda
CBHI Community-Based Health InsuranceRwanda
CBKCentral Bank of KenyaKenya
CBL Crown Beverages LimitedUganda
CBMConfidence-Building Measures
CBOCommunity Based Organization
CBR Center for Basic ResearchUganda
CBR Central Bank RateUganda
CBS Centre for Business SolutionsRwanda
CBS Central Broadcasting ServiceUganda
CBTCashewnut Board of TanzaniaTanzania
CC Community ConnectorUganda
CCACommon Country Assessment
CCA Conservation Corporation AfricaTanzania
CCBRTComprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in TanzaniaTanzania
CCCContainerized at Carrier's Convenience
CCCS Center for Climate Change StudiesTanzania
CCD Climate Change DepartmentUganda
CCDFPCommunal Centre for Development and Continuing EducationRwanda
CCDO Children Care Development OrganizationTanzania
CCG Centre for Constitutional GovernanceUganda
CCHF Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic FeverUganda
CCI Coalition for Constitution ImplementationBurundi
CCIAM Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and MitigationTanzania
CCKCommunications Commissions of KenyaKenya
CCM Chama Cha MapinduziTanzania
CCoHAS City College of Health and Allied SciencesTanzania
CCPAU Centre for Citizens Participation on the African UnionBurundi
CCRCommunity for Children's Rights
CCT Christian Council of TanzaniaTanzania
CDACapital Development AuthorityTanzania
CDEACulture and Development East AfricaTanzania
CDF Children Dignity ForumTanzania
CDF Chief of Defense ForcesUganda
CDFU Communication for Development Foundation UgandaUganda
CDI Cambridge Development InitiativeTanzania
CDI Center for Development InitiativeUganda
CDOCommunity Development Officer
CDOCotton Development OrganizationUganda
CDO Cotton Development OrganizationUganda
CDPC Combat Diseases of Poverty ConsortiumTanzania
CDR Coalition pour la Défense de la RépubliqueRwanda
CDTFCommunity Development Trust FundTanzania
CDTI Community Development Training InstituteTanzania
CEAPSExperimental Centre for Pre-school ActivitiesRwanda
CECAFA Council of East and Central African Football Associations
CEDAT College of Engineering Design Art and TechnologyUganda
CEDAWConvention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
CEDHA Centre for Educational Development in HealthTanzania
CEDPCompetitiveness and Enterprise Development ProjectRwanda / Uganda
CEEST Centre for Energy, Enironment, Science and TechnologyTanzania
CEEWA Council for Economic Empowerment for Women of AfricaUganda
CEMACEconomic and Monetary Community of Central Africa
CEPGL Communaute Economique des Pays des Grands LacsRwanda
CERAIIntegrated Rural and Craft Education CentreRwanda
CERARDERUniversity of Ngozi - Center of Agriculture and Rural Development Research / Université de Ngozi - Centre de Recherche en Agriculture et Développement RuralBurundi
CESCentral Emergency Stockpile
CETACivic Education Teachers' AssociationTanzania
CEVAWCoalition to End Violence Against Women 
CFI Computer Frontiers InternationalUganda
CFJYouth Training CentreRwanda
CFM Collaborative Forest ManagementUganda
CFPU Child and Family Protection UnitUganda
CFR Center for Foreign RelationsTanzania
CFR Central Forest ReservesUganda
CFSContainer Freight Stations
CFSU Computers for Schools UgandaUganda
CFSVA Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability AnalysisUganda
CGIS Centre for Geographic Information SystemsRwanda
CGP Common Ground ProductionsTanzania
CHADEMA Chama cha Demokrasia na MaendeleoTanzania
CHAIN Community Health and Information NetworkUganda
CHAPCommon Humanitarian Action Plan
CHC Consolidated Holding CorporationTanzania
CHC Communication for Healthy CommunitiesUganda
CHDI Clinton-Hunter Development InitiativeRwanda
CHE ommunity Health EmpowermentUganda
CHF Community Health FundRwanda / Tanzania
CHIS Community Health Insurance SchemeUganda
CHIYOWONETChildren Youth and Women NetworkTanzania
CHMT Council Health Management TeamTanzania
CHP Community Health PromoterUganda
CHRGG Commission for Human Rights and Good GovernanceTanzania
CHURChristian university of RwandaRwanda
CHWCommunity Health Workers
CIB Cairo International BankUganda
CIC Children in CrossfireTanzania
CICRInternational Commitee of the Red Cross
CICS Competitiveness and Investment Climate StrategyUganda
CIDACanadian International Development AgencyRwanda
CIDI Community Integrated Development InitiativesUganda
CIID Criminal Investigations and Intelligence DirectorateUganda
CIPCarriage and Insurance Paid
CIP Career Internship ProgramTanzania
CIRGLConférence Internationale de la Région des Grands LacsBurundi
CIUClarke International UniversityUganda
CIVE College of Informatics and Virtual EducationTanzania
CJ Chris JuniorBurundi
CKW Community Knowledge WorkerUganda
CMACapital Markets AuthorityKenya
CMA Commission for Mediation and ArbitrationTanzania
CMA Customs Management ActUganda
CMAC Capital Markets Advisory CouncilRwanda
CMB Coffee Marketing BoardUganda
CMC Cooper Motor CorporationUganda
CMI Chieftaincy of Military IntelligenceUganda
CMI Chief of Military IntelligenceUganda
CMOChief Minister's Office
CMS Capital Markets and SecuritiesTanzania
CMSA Capital Markets & Securities AuthorityTanzania
CMURCarnegie Mellon University RwandaRwanda
CNDD Conseil National pour la défense de la DémocratieBurundi
CNLSCommission National de Lutte Contre le SidaRwanda
CNOOC China National Oil Offshore CorporationUganda
CNRConseil National pour les Réfugiés (Rwanda) / National Council for Refugees (Rwanda)Rwanda
CNTAThe National Center for Food Technology / Centre National de Technologie AlimentaireBurundi
CNTACentre National des Technologies AlimentairesBurundi
COClinical Officer
CoCCertificate of Conformity
CoCIS College of Computing and Information SciencesUganda
COCOMCoordinating Committee on Export Controls
COCTUCoordinating Office for the Control of Trypanosomiasis in UgandaUganda
COF Cotton On FoundationUganda
COMESACommon Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
COOPICooperazione Internazionale (International Cooperation)
COPCountry Operations Plan
CORDAIDCatholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid
CORPs Community-owned Resource PersonsTanzania
COSTECHTanzania Commission of Science and TechnologyTanzania
COU Children of UgandaUganda
COVECOCommunity Based Vector ControlUganda
CPAComprehensive Plan of Action
CPA Concerned Parents AssociationUganda
CPCCustoms Product Code
CPDFPPrefectural Centre for Development and Continuing EducationRwanda
CPHLCentral Public Health Laboratory (Uganda)Uganda
CPIACountry Policy and Institutional Assessment
CPICI Comprehensive Platform for Integrated Communication InitiativeUganda
CPS Conseil de Paix et de Sécurité (Burundi)Burundi
CPSP Certified Procurement and Supplies ProfessionalTanzania
CRACommission on Revenue AllocationKenya
CRB Contractor Registration BoardTanzania
CRC Conservation Resource CentreTanzania
CRDB Cooperative and Rural Development BankTanzania
CREEC Centre for Research in Energy and Energy ConservationUganda
CRFCoffee Research FoundationKenya
CRICoffee Research InstituteKenya
CRSCatholic Relief Services
CRT Community Resource TeamTanzania
CRTT Centre for Research in Transportation TechnologiesUganda
CRY Conflict Resolution by YouthUganda
CSCHRCL Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional LawUganda
CSCO Civil Society Coalition on OilUganda
CSI Childbirth Survival InternationalTanzania
CSNU Conseil de Sécurité des Nations UniesBurundi
CSOCivil Society Organization
CSOPNUCivil Society Organisations for Peace in Northern UgandaUganda
CSSC Christian Social Services CommissionTanzania
CST College of Sciences and TechnologyRwanda
CSWCT Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation TrustUganda
CTC Care and Treatment CentreTanzania
CTCA Center for Tobacco Control in AfricaUganda
CTIConfederation of Tanzania IndustriesTanzania
CTP Cultural Tourism ProgramTanzania
CTPHConservation Through Public HealthUganda
CUChuka UniversityKenya
CUEACatholic University of Eastern AfricaKenya
CUF Civic United FrontTanzania
CUHASCatholic University of Health and Allied Sciences Tanzania
CUKThe Co-operative University of KenyaKenya
CURCatholic University of RwandaRwanda
CUUCavendish University UgandaUganda
CUUL Consortium of Uganda University LibrariesUganda
CVAP Concordia Volunteer Abroad ProgramUganda
CVM Comunità Volontari per il MondoTanzania
CVR Commission Vérité et RéconciliationBurundi
CVS Community VolunteersTanzania
CWCQ Cricket World Cup QualifierUganda
CWD Coffee Wilt DiseaseUganda
CWS Coffee Washing StationRwanda