C&F | Cost & Freight | |
CAA | Civil Aviation Authority | |
CACHA | Canada-Africa Community Health Alliance | Tanzania |
CAG | Controller Auditor General | Tanzania |
CAHWs | Community-Based Animal Health Workers | Tanzania |
CAPMER | Agency Center for Support to Small and medium Enterprises | Rwanda |
CAR | Central African Republic | |
CARE | Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere | |
CARMATEC | Centre for Agricultural Mechanisation and Rural Technology | Tanzania |
CARMMA | Campaign for Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa | |
CARUMUCo | Cardinal Rugambwa Memorial University College | |
CAS | Central Admission System | Tanzania |
CAVM | College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine | Rwanda |
CAWAT | Centre for Advancement of Women in Agriculture in Tanzania | Tanzania |
CBA | Commercial Bank of Africa Ltd | Tanzania |
CBE | College of Business Education | Tanzania |
CBE | Conqueror of the British Empire | Uganda |
CBEHPP | Community Based Environmental Health Promotion Programme | Rwanda |
CBET | Competence Based Education and Training | Tanzania |
CBFM | Community Based Forest Management | Tanzania |
CBHC | Community Based Health Care | Uganda |
CBHI | Community-Based Health Insurance | Rwanda |
CBK | Central Bank of Kenya | Kenya |
CBL | Crown Beverages Limited | Uganda |
CBM | Confidence-Building Measures | |
CBO | Community Based Organization | |
CBR | Center for Basic Research | Uganda |
CBR | Central Bank Rate | Uganda |
CBS | Centre for Business Solutions | Rwanda |
CBS | Central Broadcasting Service | Uganda |
CBT | Cashewnut Board of Tanzania | Tanzania |
CC | Community Connector | Uganda |
CCA | Common Country Assessment | |
CCA | Conservation Corporation Africa | Tanzania |
CCBRT | Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania | Tanzania |
CCC | Containerized at Carrier's Convenience | |
CCCS | Center for Climate Change Studies | Tanzania |
CCD | Climate Change Department | Uganda |
CCDFP | Communal Centre for Development and Continuing Education | Rwanda |
CCDO | Children Care Development Organization | Tanzania |
CCG | Centre for Constitutional Governance | Uganda |
CCHF | Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever | Uganda |
CCI | Coalition for Constitution Implementation | Burundi |
CCIAM | Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation | Tanzania |
CCK | Communications Commissions of Kenya | Kenya |
CCM | Chama Cha Mapinduzi | Tanzania |
CCoHAS | City College of Health and Allied Sciences | Tanzania |
CCPAU | Centre for Citizens Participation on the African Union | Burundi |
CCR | Community for Children's Rights | |
CCT | Christian Council of Tanzania | Tanzania |
CDA | Capital Development Authority | Tanzania |
CDEA | Culture and Development East Africa | Tanzania |
CDF | Children Dignity Forum | Tanzania |
CDF | Chief of Defense Forces | Uganda |
CDFU | Communication for Development Foundation Uganda | Uganda |
CDI | Cambridge Development Initiative | Tanzania |
CDI | Center for Development Initiative | Uganda |
CDO | Community Development Officer | |
CDO | Cotton Development Organization | Uganda |
CDO | Cotton Development Organization | Uganda |
CDPC | Combat Diseases of Poverty Consortium | Tanzania |
CDR | Coalition pour la Défense de la République | Rwanda |
CDTF | Community Development Trust Fund | Tanzania |
CDTI | Community Development Training Institute | Tanzania |
CEAPS | Experimental Centre for Pre-school Activities | Rwanda |
CECAFA | Council of East and Central African Football Associations | |
CEDAT | College of Engineering Design Art and Technology | Uganda |
CEDAW | Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women | |
CEDHA | Centre for Educational Development in Health | Tanzania |
CEDP | Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project | Rwanda / Uganda |
CEEST | Centre for Energy, Enironment, Science and Technology | Tanzania |
CEEWA | Council for Economic Empowerment for Women of Africa | Uganda |
CEMAC | Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa | |
CEPGL | Communaute Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs | Rwanda |
CERAI | Integrated Rural and Craft Education Centre | Rwanda |
CERARDER | University of Ngozi - Center of Agriculture and Rural Development Research / Université de Ngozi - Centre de Recherche en Agriculture et Développement Rural | Burundi |
CES | Central Emergency Stockpile | |
CETA | Civic Education Teachers' Association | Tanzania |
CEVAW | Coalition to End Violence Against Women | |
CFI | Computer Frontiers International | Uganda |
CFJ | Youth Training Centre | Rwanda |
CFM | Collaborative Forest Management | Uganda |
CFPU | Child and Family Protection Unit | Uganda |
CFR | Center for Foreign Relations | Tanzania |
CFR | Central Forest Reserves | Uganda |
CFS | Container Freight Stations | |
CFSU | Computers for Schools Uganda | Uganda |
CFSVA | Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis | Uganda |
CGIS | Centre for Geographic Information Systems | Rwanda |
CGP | Common Ground Productions | Tanzania |
CHADEMA | Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo | Tanzania |
CHAIN | Community Health and Information Network | Uganda |
CHAP | Common Humanitarian Action Plan | |
CHC | Consolidated Holding Corporation | Tanzania |
CHC | Communication for Healthy Communities | Uganda |
CHDI | Clinton-Hunter Development Initiative | Rwanda |
CHE | ommunity Health Empowerment | Uganda |
CHF | Community Health Fund | Rwanda / Tanzania |
CHIS | Community Health Insurance Scheme | Uganda |
CHIYOWONET | Children Youth and Women Network | Tanzania |
CHMT | Council Health Management Team | Tanzania |
CHP | Community Health Promoter | Uganda |
CHRGG | Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance | Tanzania |
CHUR | Christian university of Rwanda | Rwanda |
CHW | Community Health Workers | |
CIB | Cairo International Bank | Uganda |
CIC | Children in Crossfire | Tanzania |
CICR | International Commitee of the Red Cross | |
CICS | Competitiveness and Investment Climate Strategy | Uganda |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency | Rwanda |
CIDI | Community Integrated Development Initiatives | Uganda |
CIID | Criminal Investigations and Intelligence Directorate | Uganda |
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid | |
CIP | Career Internship Program | Tanzania |
CIRGL | Conférence Internationale de la Région des Grands Lacs | Burundi |
CIU | Clarke International University | Uganda |
CIVE | College of Informatics and Virtual Education | Tanzania |
CJ | Chris Junior | Burundi |
CKW | Community Knowledge Worker | Uganda |
CMA | Capital Markets Authority | Kenya |
CMA | Commission for Mediation and Arbitration | Tanzania |
CMA | Customs Management Act | Uganda |
CMAC | Capital Markets Advisory Council | Rwanda |
CMB | Coffee Marketing Board | Uganda |
CMC | Cooper Motor Corporation | Uganda |
CMI | Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence | Uganda |
CMI | Chief of Military Intelligence | Uganda |
CMO | Chief Minister's Office | |
CMS | Capital Markets and Securities | Tanzania |
CMSA | Capital Markets & Securities Authority | Tanzania |
CMUR | Carnegie Mellon University Rwanda | Rwanda |
CNDD | Conseil National pour la défense de la Démocratie | Burundi |
CNLS | Commission National de Lutte Contre le Sida | Rwanda |
CNOOC | China National Oil Offshore Corporation | Uganda |
CNR | Conseil National pour les Réfugiés (Rwanda) / National Council for Refugees (Rwanda) | Rwanda |
CNTA | The National Center for Food Technology / Centre National de Technologie Alimentaire | Burundi |
CNTA | Centre National des Technologies Alimentaires | Burundi |
CO | Clinical Officer | |
CoC | Certificate of Conformity | |
CoCIS | College of Computing and Information Sciences | Uganda |
COCOM | Coordinating Committee on Export Controls | |
COCTU | Coordinating Office for the Control of Trypanosomiasis in Uganda | Uganda |
COF | Cotton On Foundation | Uganda |
COMESA | Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa | |
COOPI | Cooperazione Internazionale (International Cooperation) | |
COP | Country Operations Plan | |
CORDAID | Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid | |
CORPs | Community-owned Resource Persons | Tanzania |
COSTECH | Tanzania Commission of Science and Technology | Tanzania |
COU | Children of Uganda | Uganda |
COVECO | Community Based Vector Control | Uganda |
CPA | Comprehensive Plan of Action | |
CPA | Concerned Parents Association | Uganda |
CPC | Customs Product Code | |
CPDFP | Prefectural Centre for Development and Continuing Education | Rwanda |
CPHL | Central Public Health Laboratory (Uganda) | Uganda |
CPIA | Country Policy and Institutional Assessment | |
CPICI | Comprehensive Platform for Integrated Communication Initiative | Uganda |
CPS | Conseil de Paix et de Sécurité (Burundi) | Burundi |
CPSP | Certified Procurement and Supplies Professional | Tanzania |
CRA | Commission on Revenue Allocation | Kenya |
CRB | Contractor Registration Board | Tanzania |
CRC | Conservation Resource Centre | Tanzania |
CRDB | Cooperative and Rural Development Bank | Tanzania |
CREEC | Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation | Uganda |
CRF | Coffee Research Foundation | Kenya |
CRI | Coffee Research Institute | Kenya |
CRS | Catholic Relief Services | |
CRT | Community Resource Team | Tanzania |
CRTT | Centre for Research in Transportation Technologies | Uganda |
CRY | Conflict Resolution by Youth | Uganda |
CSCHRCL | Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law | Uganda |
CSCO | Civil Society Coalition on Oil | Uganda |
CSI | Childbirth Survival International | Tanzania |
CSNU | Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies | Burundi |
CSO | Civil Society Organization | |
CSOPNU | Civil Society Organisations for Peace in Northern Uganda | Uganda |
CSSC | Christian Social Services Commission | Tanzania |
CST | College of Sciences and Technology | Rwanda |
CSWCT | Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation Trust | Uganda |
CTC | Care and Treatment Centre | Tanzania |
CTCA | Center for Tobacco Control in Africa | Uganda |
CTI | Confederation of Tanzania Industries | Tanzania |
CTP | Cultural Tourism Program | Tanzania |
CTPH | Conservation Through Public Health | Uganda |
CU | Chuka University | Kenya |
CUEA | Catholic University of Eastern Africa | Kenya |
CUF | Civic United Front | Tanzania |
CUHAS | Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences | Tanzania |
CUK | The Co-operative University of Kenya | Kenya |
CUR | Catholic University of Rwanda | Rwanda |
CUU | Cavendish University Uganda | Uganda |
CUUL | Consortium of Uganda University Libraries | Uganda |
CVAP | Concordia Volunteer Abroad Program | Uganda |
CVM | Comunità Volontari per il Mondo | Tanzania |
CVR | Commission Vérité et Réconciliation | Burundi |
CVS | Community Volunteers | Tanzania |
CWCQ | Cricket World Cup Qualifier | Uganda |
CWD | Coffee Wilt Disease | Uganda |
CWS | Coffee Washing Station | Rwanda |
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