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Education Program Coordinator

Job Title:                  Education Program Coordinator
Requisition Number:            I1716
Area of Interest:      Education
Position Type:         Full Time
Location:                  Afghanistan/Kabul
Reports to:              Country Representative              
Supervises:              National Deputy M&E Manager (Education)
                                  National Education Technical Advisor

Job Summary:
CRS began supporting development efforts in Afghanistan in 1998 as a member of the Caritas Network, and launched direct program operations in Afghanistan in early 2002. CRS currently works in Bamyan, Daykundi, Ghor, Herat and Kabul Provinces.

The CRS strategic plan for Afghanistan focuses on poverty and risk reduction, human development and emergency response in rural areas in western and central Afghanistan. CRS works to:
Support rural livelihoods that are sustainable and accessible
Strengthen human assets such as professional skills, basic education, and life skills
Strengthen the resilience and coping mechanisms of poor communities

CRS-Education Program Summary
Education is highly valued in Afghanistan and since 2001 school enrollment has increased from 900,000 to more than 7.3 million children in 2011. But despite these gains, approximately 5 million school-aged children are still out of school, nearly 70% of whom are girls. In addition, only 26% of the population is estimated to be literate—which drops to 10% for women and girls in rural areas. In 2005, CRS Afghanistan initiated a long-term strategy for rural education based on the Community Based Education model (CBE) in Western and Central Afghanistan.  CBE classes have brought hundreds of thousands of children into the education system in areas where villages are too far from a government school. The program focused on quality, local ownership and sustainability. Villages set up school shuras (or school management committees) to select and support a local teacher and find an appropriate space for the class.  CRS provides technical training and support to teachers and shuras as well as classroom supplies. CRS also liaises with the District, Provincial and National Education Departments to have the schools, teachers and students registered as part of the formal system. Community-based schools use the national educational curriculum and are designed to be handed over to the MoE.

The CRS/Afghanistan education program is currently implementing three large multi-million dollar, multi-year community based education grants.

CRS works in a consortium with CARE, IRC and AKF to implement the Canadian DFATD-funded Basic Education in Afghanistan Consortium (BEACON).  The three-year program (2012-2015) will expand upon the gains built and lessons learned through the previous PACE-A consortium (funded by USAID) to continue providing CBE class throughout Afghanistan ensuring that children, especially girls, in marginalized communities have access to quality learning opportunities.  Through BEACON, CRS has supported more than 250 CBE classes in Bamyan, Ghor and Herat provinces with more than 6,200 students (61% female).

CRS is a member of the DFID-funded, Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)-led Steps Toward Afghan Girls’ Educational Success (STAGES) program running from June 2013 through March 2016.  CRS’ portion of the grant enables support of an estimated 2100 primary school aged boys and girls to access education in 65 different communities (totaling 80 classes) in Ghor and Herat Province.  

In January 2014, CRS received confirmation from Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) for a 5-year, $6.2 million CBE project to be implemented in 110 communities (supporting 132 new CBE classes). CRS intends to open new classes in Ghor, Herat and Bamyan Provinces, and to expand activities to Daykundi Province – a remote and underserved region of Afghanistan.  While education activities for this project will be very similar to those under BEACON and STAGES, a randomized control trial conducted by New York University (NYU) will complement the implementation of the Community Based Education Enrichment Program(CBEEP) program.

Primary Role:
The primary role of the Education Program Coordinator is to oversee and guide the quality management, implementation, and strategic direction of the CRS education projects in Afghanistan.

The Education Program Coordinator will supervise the Bamyan, Daykundi, Ghor, Herat and Kabul education programs, providing overall program guidance, budget management, linkages with the STAGES and BEACON program management unit and new consortiums, and liaising with New York University, the Afghanistan Ministry of Education at various levels, and non-government actors.  The Education Program Coordinator will also guide the development of partnership building and alliances, spearheading initiatives to strengthen the capacity of local NGOs/partner organizations.  The Education Program Coordinator will also be responsible for fundraising by developing multi-year program and funding strategies, proposals, and budgets. 

CRS Afghanistan Education Program’s USD $3 million (FY15) portfolio includes multi-year funding from 4 donor sources and CRS private funding.  The near term (2014-2016) funding outlook for the education program is quite strong. The CRS Afghanistan Education program is implemented by a team of nearly 75 staff in Bamyan, Daykundi, Ghor, Herat and Kabul Provinces and one partner organization supported out of its Kabul office.

Specific Responsibilities:
The Education Program Coordinator will oversee all aspects of the implementation of the Education Program in the Afghanistan Country Program, including staff supervision, recruitment and retention; staff capacity development; program quality; monitoring and evaluation; budget management; reporting; donor relations; and coordination/collaboration with other CRS departments and wider NGO and Education community.  Specific responsibilities will include:

Program Quality
§  Provide leadership to Education Program Managers on program direction and implementation strategies.
§  Ensure that best practices, lessons learned, and constraints are consistently captured and sharedacross the country program and develop strategies for addressing constraints.
  • Coordinate regular program planning and coordination meetings with senior Education program staff to ensure that programming is consistent throughout the Country Program.
  • Organize regular opportunities for communication and exchange between education staff and other program staff throughout the Country Program in order to promote greater programmatic integration and facilitate discussion on crosscutting issues.
  • Ensure that programming is consistent with donor requirements, CRS program quality standards and relevant international standards.
§  Ensure provision of timely and accurate reports to program donors. Support and guide Education PMs in building their writing and reporting skills.

Management Quality
§  Manage CRS Afghanistan Education project grants in accordance with CRS and donor rules and regulations and support senior Education Program staff to do the same.
§  Work closely with Education and Finance department staff to ensure that CRS funds, donor funds and other resources are used responsibly.
§  Work closely with Education Program staff and Finance to ensure that budgets are well developed, managed in accordance with CRS and donor regulations and that financial reports are timely and accurate.
§  Work closely with the Management Quality coordinator to streamline best management practices within the Education Program.
§  Support senior Education Program staff to incrementally take on greater budget management responsibilities.

Staff Supervision and Management
§  Directly supervise National M&E Deputy Manager and National Technical Advisor through the CRS Performance Management System, regular communication and feedback systems.
§  Coordinate with Program Managers and M&E Manager to ensure that all staff are able to successfully fulfill their job responsibilities while at the same time supporting their professional development and growth through actively searching out opportunities for staff capacity building.
§  Ensure that all Education staffs have job descriptions, and roles and responsibilities.
§  Review and revise staffing structure in coordination with Program Managers, Head of Programs and Country Representative as appropriate.
§  Support senior education staff in carrying out CRS performance management responsibilities with their teams through coaching sessions.
§  Ensure that team members are fully compliant with CRS performance management and development planning standards.
§  Recruit appropriate staff for education team positions to fill vacant and new positions in a timely manner.

Monitoring and Evaluation
§  Support National M&E Deputy Manager through the implementation of the recently revised Education Program M&E system to ensure that program indicators are appropriately collected and reported on in a timely manner.
§  Utilize quality M&E practices to guide programmatic recommendations and decisions, and support and guide the M&E Officers and Provincial Education Project Managers to do the same.

Program Growth and Proposal Development
§  Guide the development of future Education Program direction in a way that is strategic, responsible and in line with CRS Program Quality and partnership principles. 
§  Contribute to program growth through proposal development and meetings with donors.
§  Participate in and conduct project development workshops for proposal development.
§  Contribute to preparation of donor reports, including both narrative and financial reports.

§  Represent the wider CRS education program in internal CRS meetings.
§  Actively contribute to and participate in consortium/partner meetings and specific working groups as needed.
§  Present on CRS education programs to government, NGO community and donors in Afghanistan, the region and in the US as needed.

Staff Safety and Well-Being
§  Work closely with Provincial Education PMs and CRS Safety and Security Manager to ensure education staff safety in the field and office environments.

Core Competencies
Agency-wide Competencies (for all CRS Staff)
These are rooted in the mission, values, and principles of CRS and used by each staff member to fulfill his or her responsibilities and to achieve the desired results:
§  Serves with Integrity
§  Models Stewardship
§  Cultivates Constructive Relationships
§  Promotes Learning

Program Manager Competencies
These are rooted in the mission, values, and principles of CRS and used by each program manager to fulfill his or her responsibilities and to achieve the desired results:
§  Sets clear goals and manages toward them
§  Collaborates effectively with staff and stakeholders
§  Manages financial resources with integrity
§  Applies program quality standards to project design and organizational learning

Key Working Relationships:
INTERNAL:  Country Representative, Head of Programming, Provincial Education Program Managers, National M&E Manager, M&E Officers, Education Project Officers, Heads of Offices, Management Quality Coordinator, Finance Manager, Finance Officer, Administration Departments, Procurement Departments, Program Quality Support Department

EXTERNAL:  National and Local government ministries, BEACON consortium members, other consortium members, donor staff, community shuras, local/international NGO offices and UN agencies.

Personal Skills:
1.       Exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal, and proven ability to lead a dynamic and diverse group of people.
2.       Strong teamwork, coordination and strategic planning skills.
3.       Ability to deal effectively with deadlines.
4.       Ability to respond practically and operate successfully in difficult field conditions. Willingness to travel to and work in remote areas for extended periods.
5.       Willingness to live in shared housing with a diverse group of international staff.
6.       Ability to be flexible, persistent, and diplomatic and to gain respect among staff, local community leaders as well as local government ministries and donor organizations.

1.       Masters degree in education or a related field
2.       At least five years experience in program management in developing countries.
3.       Experience working with international non-governmental organizations
4.       Professional experience and academic training in the area of education, monitoring and evaluation, or other relevant fields.
5.       Excellent writing skills.
6.       Strong project management experience: supervision, budget management, program planning, monitoring and evaluation.
7.       Knowledge of CRS systems and tools a plus
8.       Knowledge of US government regulations a plus

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