Job Reference Number: EMR/SSQ/NH/02
Job Type: International Development
Assistance/Emerging Markets
Schedule: Contract
Job Location: Asia; Indonesia
Job Summary
The Government of Indonesia’s Education Sector Support Program (ESSP), with European Union (EU) and AusAID support, aims to achieve the government’s Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) education policies and targets.
Australia supports the ESSP through Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia (AEPI). Under the direction of AusAID, the AEPI implements the Schools Systems and Quality (SSQ) program that assists the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to improve access to education and education quality. To achieve this, SSQ provides support to the GoI through targeted technical assistance, block grants and other capacity building activities to help strengthen government systems.
We are currently looking for qualified Indonesian National professional or company to assist the component in giving "Editorial Services"
Australia supports the ESSP through Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia (AEPI). Under the direction of AusAID, the AEPI implements the Schools Systems and Quality (SSQ) program that assists the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to improve access to education and education quality. To achieve this, SSQ provides support to the GoI through targeted technical assistance, block grants and other capacity building activities to help strengthen government systems.
We are currently looking for qualified Indonesian National professional or company to assist the component in giving "Editorial Services"
Key Responsibilities
Component 2 of SSQ supports the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) to improve the quality of basic education in Indonesia by providing training programs to improve the capacity of principals, supervisors and other education personnel.
As part of the training process Component 2 personnel are required to develop training materials, manuals and other related documents. Component 2 personnel need the assistance of appropriately qualified personnel to review, edit and proof read training documents and other learning materials in preparation for publication.
Documents will be written in Bahasa Indonesian but editors will need high level English language skills to check Bahasa Indonesia documents against corresponding English version. Although translation is not required as part of these services cross-checking of meaning between languages will be required.
While this work can be completed away from the SSQ office, the people undertaking the work may be required to meet with SSQ personnel managing the development of the documents. This may require travel to the SSQ office in Jakarta or it may be possible to conduct discussions by email or telephone. SSQ will cover cost of travel to its office if face-to-face meetings are required.
The requirements for the role and the selection criteria are provided below.
Editors will be required to:
Component 2 of SSQ supports the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) to improve the quality of basic education in Indonesia by providing training programs to improve the capacity of principals, supervisors and other education personnel.
As part of the training process Component 2 personnel are required to develop training materials, manuals and other related documents. Component 2 personnel need the assistance of appropriately qualified personnel to review, edit and proof read training documents and other learning materials in preparation for publication.
Documents will be written in Bahasa Indonesian but editors will need high level English language skills to check Bahasa Indonesia documents against corresponding English version. Although translation is not required as part of these services cross-checking of meaning between languages will be required.
While this work can be completed away from the SSQ office, the people undertaking the work may be required to meet with SSQ personnel managing the development of the documents. This may require travel to the SSQ office in Jakarta or it may be possible to conduct discussions by email or telephone. SSQ will cover cost of travel to its office if face-to-face meetings are required.
The requirements for the role and the selection criteria are provided below.
Editors will be required to:
- Review training and other learning materials to check the quality of the Bahasa Indonesian used in the documents and compare the meaning with English language versions.
- Check across a series of related documents to check consistency in use of language, use of terminology, structure and organisation.
- Check all documents in the same series to ensure consistency of meaning and content.
Check Bahasa Indonesian grammar and spelling, and formatting of documents. - Conduct final proof reading in preparation for desktop publishing and publication.
- Liaise/communicate regularly with SSQ staff to update progress and review requirements
Other Requirements
Skills and Experience Selection Criteria
People interested in applying to provide editorial services will need to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and experience:
People interested in applying to provide editorial services will need to demonstrate the following skills, knowledge and experience:
- At least S1 (bachelor) degree in education, media, social sciences, languages or other relevant field.
- High level written and oral communication skills in Bahasa Indonesian and English.
- Experience writing, editing and proof reading documents, especially training materials, for print and online publication.
- An understanding of education and professional development in Indonesia.
- Capacity to work independently and meet deadlines.
- Access to and high level skills in use of Microsoft Word.
Applications are invited from appropriately skilled, experienced and qualified people to undertake this work. Successful applicants will be engaged on a flexible basis as work becomes available and will be paid on an hourly rate negotiated with the SSQ Managing Contractor.Interested applicants should provide a resume and evidence of capacity to undertake the duties and meet the selection criteria. Applicants are advised to address each of the selection criteria in a separate document.Applicants should also provide in a covering letter an indicative hourly rate (in IDR) for providing these services.
Applications can be submitted through the link below (select "apply here" below) and attach you resume
or it can be posted or emailed to:
The SSQ Component 2 Manager
Level 17, Building D
Ministry of Education and Culture
Jl. Pintu Satu, Senayan
Jakarta Pusat 10270
For Query, please contact with reference "QUERY - Editorial Services"
or it can be posted or emailed to:
The SSQ Component 2 Manager
Level 17, Building D
Ministry of Education and Culture
Jl. Pintu Satu, Senayan
Jakarta Pusat 10270
For Query, please contact with reference "QUERY - Editorial Services"
Click here for further details and application
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