Under the guidance and supervision of the DRR
(P&O), the M&E Specialist in UNDP DPRK takes the lead in the
effective implementation of the Country Office's (CO) M&E plan and
activities, sets appropriate monitoring and evaluation requirements for
UNDP DPRK projects and programme., assumes overall responsibility for
M&E related data collection, collation, analysis and reporting
(internal and external), and makes consistent follow up on
implementation of recommendations. The M&E Specialist ensures that
necessary oversight and M&E strategy for DPRK is implemented within
the context of the proposed measures for resumption of UNDP programme of
operations in DPRK as approved by the Executive Board. The M&E
Specialist ensures that objective evaluations are designed and managed
to assess the country programme and project relevance, effectiveness,
efficiency, impact and sustainability of results; evaluations carried
out in a credible and systematic manner; evaluation lessons and
recommendations are used for programme and project design, contribute to
implementation of UNSF priorities and results. The
M&E Specialist liaises closely with the Evaluation Office at
Headquarters regarding evaluation approaches and methodologies, ensuring
that UNDP DPRK meets the minimum requirements for monitoring and
evaluation, including the conduct of mandatory project evaluations.
M&E Specialist works closely with the Programme and Operations
Teams in the CO, RC Office, Government officials, donors and other
partners to ensure that thematic, programme and project oversight and
evaluations are carried out according to schedules and that findings and
recommendations are implemented and followed up.
Ensures the implementation of evaluation policies and strategies, focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Direct
responsibility and accountability for: planning, management and
oversight of thematic, country programme/project, and other types of
evaluations conducted in the Country Office; and for implementing UNDP
DPRK M&E commitments as required by UNDP corporate priorities and as
reflected in the document DP/2009/8 approved by the Executive Board
- Establishing
mechanisms to assure all mandatory decentralized M&E requirements
are met, the intended results are produced, and to assure the funding of
the plan
- Updating the M&E plan when appropriate
- Ensuring regular and timely submission of good quality M&E report
- Ensuring an annual or ‘as needed’ physical verification of project equipment against inventories
- Ensuring that CO reporting requirements relating to M&E are met
- Advice
to the Senior Management on the programme of work, including
identification of topics, and projects/programme to be evaluated
- In
close collaboration with the Programme Support Unit, continuously
monitors utilization of resources to ensure that these are consistent
with intended activities and supportive of CO goals
- Development of evaluation tools and processes, innovative approaches in evaluation that meet the requirements of UNDP DPRK
- Collaborate
with HQ Evaluation Office and evaluation units in other Country Offices
with a view of cross-pollinating and harmonizing evaluation approaches
and agendas.
- Promotion of evaluation standards, quality assurance/control and capacity development in the Country Office
- Organization, coordination and leadership of evaluation missions for development projects, sectoral and thematic evaluations
- Organization and coordination of desk evaluations/studies on selected sectors/themes
- Provide advice to the team and stakeholders on strategies to improve M&E related components and activities
- Support the development of project proposals – particularly performance monitoring plans and M&E sections
- Any other functions/activities as requested by the Senior Management.
Ensures effective management of the evaluation process in the Country Office, focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Lead
the development, testing/piloting and roll-out of a new M&E
method/tools as may be necessary based on special circumstances in DPRK
- Preparation
of the Terms of Reference (TOR), consultant and evaluation team
selection, technical feedback on evaluations and budget oversight
- Guidance
on UNDP evaluation policies, procedures and practices to project
managers, UNDP CO staff concerned with evaluation, consultants and
others as required
- Provision of the technical
advice at the design stage of programmes/projects for setting up a
framework with defined indicators to facilitate the evaluation at the
later stages
- Provision of evaluation feedback into policy/project/programme design, including comments on various documents
- Follow
up on implementation of evaluation recommendations; ensuring the
optimal use of evaluations by providing guidance in preparation of
timely management response to all mandatory evaluations and by
developing a communication plan.
Ensures effective implementation and provision of research, qualitative and quantitative analyses and information as required by the Country Office, focusing on the achievement of the following results:
- Organize,
design, plan and carry out/or oversee the carrying out of the
collection, evaluation, analysis, compilation and dissemination of
statistical data as required in the performance of monitoring and
evaluation by selecting methods suitable to the special circumstances in
DPRK of data collection and for checking collected data
- Lead ad-hoc assessments for setting of baselines for RRF preparation during project formulations
- Lead
data compilation and analysis together with other assessment methods to
improve evaluability of programme and projects and evidence based
- Lead the identification of
indicators to improve evaluability of interventions and measurement of
development results and impact of UNDP DPRK project activities
- Lead
the conduct of thematic and outcome evaluations to assist Senior
Management in assessing progress towards agreed development goals
- Support the development of M&E research plans, guide research and M&E activities pertaining to new pilot project/s
- Prepare
draft technical documents, assists in drafting relevant reports, and
contributes to the preparation of analytical content of the reports, as
Ensuring effective monitoring and evaluation support towards enhancing the effectiveness of UNDP’s coordination role in DPRK, focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Support UNDP and RC office in the coordination of monitoring of the UN Strategic Framework (UNSF)
- Assist in the finalization of UNDP component/participation in the UNSF M&E calendar
- Facilitate
the functioning of the M&E working group including participation in
relevant data theme group, to ensure common understanding and coherent
implementation of the M&E system
- Support
on behalf of UNDP the review and finalization the UNSF Results M&E
Matrices including assisting results theme groups to refine and improve
or develop performance indicators, set baselines and targets at output
and outcome level
- Support capacity development of national M&E systems
- From
the perspective of UNDP, assesses the relevance, strategic focus, and
implementation progress of the UN system in DPRK, to track the results
of working closer together – in terms of efficiency gains and enhanced
development impact
- Assist in the timely
preparation and dissemination of results-oriented reports, as well as
briefing documents and other publications relating to UN collaborative
implementation in the country
Champion CO knowledge building and knowledge sharing in the area of monitoring and evaluation, focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Lead
the formulation of a KM strategy and its implementation for the CO;
lead in KM activities at the level of UNCT and stakeholders through
collaboration with the UN RC Office
- Compile
and disseminate information extracted from all available information
management systems in DPRK to Senior Management and other stakeholders
as needed
- Identify and formulate evaluation
findings, lessons learned and recommendations to be integrated into
broader knowledge management efforts
- Identify and formulate lessons learned from evaluations and studies to be integrated into broader knowledge management
- Ensure effective implementation of the Evaluation Knowledge Management and Learning Strategy for the CO
- Collaboration and coordination with other UN agencies, government agencies, NGOs, and other organizations on monitoring and evaluation issues
- Organization and conduct of results-oriented monitoring and evaluation trainings in the Country Office and as requested
- Organize knowledge sharing events and presentations, maintaining communications on knowledge sharing within UNDP DPRK
- Participation
in evaluation community remaining abreast of latest development and
professional norms, standards, tools and methodologies and disseminating
knowledge on KM tools and systems
- Any other responsibilities as requested by the Management.
Functional Competencies:
Advocacy/Advancing A Policy-Oriented Agenda: Analysis and creation of messages and strategies
- Uses the opportunity to bring forward and disseminate materials for advocacy work
Results-Based Programme and Project Development and Management: Contributes into results through primary research and analysis
- Assesses project performance to identify success factors and incorporates best practices into project work
- Researches linkages across programme and project activities to identify critical points of integration
- Monitors specific stages of projects/programme implementation
Building Strategic Partnerships: Identifying and building partnerships
- Identifies needs and interventions for capacity building of counterparts, clients and potential partners
- Displays initiative, sets challenging outputs for him/herself and willingly accepts new work assignments
- Takes responsibility for achieving agreed outputs within set deadlines and strives until successful outputs are achieved
Innovation and Marketing New Approaches: Developing new approaches
- Looks at experience critically, drawing lessons, and building them into the design of new approaches
- Identifies new approaches and promotes their use in other situations
- Documents successes and uses them to project a positive image
- Creates an environment that fosters innovation and innovative thinking
- Makes the case for innovative ideas from the team with own supervisor
Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Developing tools and mechanisms
- Makes the case for innovative ideas documenting successes and building them into the design of new approaches
- Identifies new approaches and strategies that promote the use of tools and mechanisms
Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise: In-depth knowledge of the subject matter
- Understands more advanced aspects of primary area of specialization as well as the fundamental concepts of related disciplines
- Serves as internal consultant in the area of expertise and shares knowledge with staff
- Keeps
abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job
knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself professionally
- Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
- Demonstrates
comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and
project management tools and utilizes these regularly in work
Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals: Analysis and creation of messages and strategies
- Uses the opportunity to bring forward and disseminate materials for global advocacy work and adapts it for use at country level
Client Orientation: Contributing to positive outcomes for the client
- Anticipates client needs
- Works towards creating an enabling environment for a smooth relationship between the clients and service provider
- Demonstrates understanding of client’s perspective
Core Competencies:
- Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents
- Building support and political acumen
- Building staff competence, creating an environment of creativity and innovation
- Building and promoting effective teams
- Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication
- Creating an emotionally intelligent organization
- Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP & setting standards
- Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member.
- Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking
Prince 2 training and certification desirable
- A master’s degree or equivalent in International Relations, Political Science, Economics or related field, with quantitative and strong data analysis training.
- 7 years of operational M&E experience at the national and international level required, in the field (particularly in special operations countries) and HQ, including in applied research and impact evaluation.
- Expertise in results measurement methodologies applied to interventions in command-type economies. This should include familiarity with cutting-edge M&E methods, designing results frameworks and evaluating development results, including experience in practical implementation of impact evaluations, experimental and quasi-experimental evaluations, particularly in public and private enterprises.
- Demonstrated experience in applying qualitative/participatory research methods; linking planning to M&E; results based approaches.
- Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages,experience in handling of web based management systems; proficiency in using statistical analysis software, such as SPSS, STATA, Excel); qualitative data analysis software (such as QSR) will be an asset.
- Report writing and presentation skills; experienced in rendering M&E results using different media; C4D/E approaches.
Language Requirements:
- Fluency in English; knowledge of Korean will be considered an asset.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the
strictest confidence. |
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