Job #: 122661
Job Title: Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
Job Family: Social Development
Job Type: Professional & Technical
Grade: GF
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Recruitment Type: Local Hire
Language Requirement: English [Essential]; Bahasa
(Indonesian) [Desired]
Closing Date: 24-Nov-2012
Background / General description
The local recruitment shall be for an initial period of one-year Coterminous appointment, renewable subject to unit's need, individual performance and available resource of funds. World Bank staff with Regular/Open-ended appointment, if selected, will retain their current appointment type.The applicant should apply on-line by clicking the above "Apply" button. You will be required to write a cover letter and please attach your CV and references (at least three names with full contact details).
Applications should be submitted on-line. Direct application through e-mail will not be considered. Phone inquiries will not be entertained.
The Government of Indonesia and various donors implement a range of community-driven development projects in Indonesia. Increasingly, these project interventions are complemented by a broad program of evaluations, research studies and policy dialogue. The World Bank supports the Government’s overall program through a CDD ‘platform’ which combines a mixture of analytical and operational activities across sectors, with the purpose of improving sub-national governance and poverty reduction in Indonesia.
In August 2006, the Government announced a new National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM-Mandiri) which expands the work of three of the WB’s CDD programs, the Kecamatan Development Program (KDP), the Support for Disadvantaged Areas Program (SPADA) and Urban Poverty Program (UPP), as well as two programs funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Rural Infrastructure Support to PNPM-Mandiri (RIS) and Rural Infrastructure for Socioeconomic Development (RISE), respectively. In addition, the World Bank is supporting the Conflict and Development Program and Justice for the Poor Program which form a core part of the overall Social Development program along with PNPM-Mandiri. Both the GOI and the World Bank view impact evaluation as key component of the AAA program supporting PNPM. The World Bank has many ongoing evaluations and research programs designed to ensure that consistent effort is made in testing and improving project design during the Bank’s engagement with PNPM. The overall evaluation program for 2012-14 comprises a set of quatitative, qualitative and mixed method studies. These studies will typically be designed by Monitoring and Evaluation staff but implemented by national research organizations. A significant aspect of the program will include provision of technical assistance to organizations conducting studies to improve the quality of analytical work and final reporting. The long term goal of this exercise is to shift the role of the World Bank from the primary actor to a support role with respect to knowledge production and impact evaluation. Note: A potential candidate has been identified and intends to apply for this position. However, this remains a competitive process and interested candidates are encouraged to apply.
Duties and Accountabilities
The overall task of the Evaluation Design Specialist (PolSci) will be to supervise the design, methods and analysis, particularly for governance-related studies and evaluations produced or supported by the Evaluation unit of the PNPM Support Facility. He/she will also be responsible for capacity development of government counterparts and Indonesian research institutions with regard to related evaluation design (qualitative and quantitative), methodology and analysis. Under the supervision of the World Bank’s Senior Social Development Specialist, s/he will:• Help to develop, coordinate and execute a growing analytical and evaluation work program on local governance and political economy, as well as social accountability, across a number of PNPM operational teams.
• Lead/supervise selected analytical and evaluation work as required, including methodological and other technical aspects of relevant studies being conducted by the Evaluation unit as part of PNPM-Mandiri evaluation work, including :
o Develop and/or review and approve concept notes, research and methodological designs.
o Develop in collaboration with Evaluation Team Data Collection Specialists and Evaluation Team Coordinators field guides and TOR for field work.
o Develop and/or review analysis and final reports for governance-related studies in coordination with hired firms and national research institutions.
o Presenting findings to Government, donors and development community.
• Working (in coordination with the PSF Governance lead) to assist project teams in identifying opportunities to strengthen social accountability and governance and mitigating social and political impacts, addressing those throughout the project cycle and undertaking related monitoring and evaluation.
• Support task teams with operational research and relevant analysis including the visualization of project information, advice and policy guidance related to all governance, political economy and social accountability issues.
• Help to disseminate analytical and evaluation work within the Bank, to clients and to academic and policy networks.
• Establish and maintain effective communication and knowledge-sharing across Bank teams, local partners, civil society, academics, and other donors.
• Join relevant project supervision and monitoring missions on PNPM-Mandiri projects, as appropriate.
• Work with research institutions, NGOs, and social scientists in Indonesia to continue to help build the country capacity to produce high quality social development and political economy research.
• Represent the World Bank in discussions with the Government and other donors with regard to PNPM-Mandiri evaluation work.
Other duties and tasks as specified by the World Bank’s Senior Social Development Specialist.
The position is based in Jakarta, Indonesia but will require travel to the provinces a likely 20% of the time.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will work on various PNPM-Mandiri evaluations/studies utilizing a political science approach, so it is expected that a broad range of outputs will be produced for this consultancy including:
Ensure a high standard of technical quality for evaluations/studies produced by the Evaluations unit
Research design and methodology for governance-related studies produced by the Evaluations unit and quality assurance for those relevant ‘products’ carried out by other PSF task teams.
Input to the survey instrument and field work TOR for selected studies.
Analysis and final draft of reports for selected studies.
Review and approval of design, methodology, analytical plan and final report for studies produced by outside firms or consultants
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Demonstrated impact on the capacity of government counterparts and independent Indonesian research organizations to conduct qualitative studies.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist reports to the Sector Manager, Social Development, Indonesia (EASID). Day to day supervision will be provided by the Senior Social Development Specialist Ms. Natasha Hayward.
Selection criteria
• PhD in a relevant social science discipline with 3- 5 years of experience in areas relevant to social development and political economy including: voice, participation, accountability and government legitimacy; service delivery; CSO engagement, and conflict and rule of law. Recognized expertise in at least two of these areas.• Demonstrated competence with a wide range of qualitative (e.g. focus groups, interviews, analysis of comparative historical data) and quantitative techniques (including experience with designing, implementing, coding and cleaning surveys and training enumerators; the ability to estimate a wide range of statistical models including social network analysis and spatial regression; and, the ability to work with GIS) is essential. Fluency with a variety of statistical software packages.
• Experience with using a wide range of analytical tools including governance assessments, political economy analysis and stakeholder mapping is essential.
• Proven capacity to translate analytical work into policy advice and operational, actionable, recommendations.
• Experience with working across sectors or teams and within departments to understand their research needs and to identify effective collaboration is crucial. The ability to see analytical problems from a variety of sector perspectives is important.
• Understanding of strategies to increase transparency and accountability in policies, institutions and operations and an understanding of formal and informal institutional dynamics.
• Understanding of social inclusion, violence and conflict dynamics.
• Active participation in global research networks and a demonstrated commitment to strengthening the research capacity of client countries is essential.
• Enthusiasm for, and commitment, to social development and poverty alleviation with a particular interest in CDD.
• Excellent oral and written communications in English
• Indonesian language skills are an advantage, along with previous experience working in Indonesia.
• Results oriented and focused.
• Proven ability to lead or participate in a multi-disciplinary team of field researchers.
To apply for this position, please click here
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