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Location: Dhaka, with travel to CHT districts., BANGLADESH
Application Deadline: 14-Apr-13
Additional Category: Millennium Development Goals
Type of Contract: Individual Contract
Post Level: International Consultant
Languages Required: English 
Expected Duration of Assignment: The review will take place in May-June 2013. The total duration of the assignment will be six weeks


Twenty five years of protracted conflict in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) have left the majority of its inhabitants in conditions of extreme poverty, and tensions over land tenure, resource access, and ethno-demographics remain challenges to sustainable development. Three quarters of the population live below the national poverty line; 50 per cent of primary-enrolled children drop out in their first few years; and it is estimated that 40 per cent of the CHTs’ workforce is either unemployed or underemployed. A CHT Peace Accord was signed in December 1997 and was recognized as a significant political achievement for the region which is home to 11 distinctive indigenous groups and Bengalis. It raised high expectations that it would serve as the cornerstone of a successful peace building process and as a means for opening up new opportunities for development. Relevant institutions have been established to support this process although not all subjects as per the CHT Peace Accord have yet been transferred to them, and several parts of the Peace Accord are yet to be implemented.
CHT Development Facility:
The CHT Development Facility, in partnership with the Government of Bangladesh, engages with all stakeholders to promote sustainable development and peace for all peoples guided by the CHT Accord. It is working in all 25 Upazilas and 118 Unions, prioritizing the remote and underserved areas. CHTDF supports CHT institutions to effectively manage and deliver services, and communities to take charge of their own development based on the principles of local participation and decentralized development.
Following on Preparatory Assistance phase (2003/2004) the initial phase of the Facility ran from December 2005 to September 2009. Building on this initial phase and as agreed in the National Steering Committee conveyed in August 2008, the extended phase runs from October 2009 to September 2013 with an increased emphasis on providing capacity building support to all partner.
Extension and expansion of the project was agreed for a period of four years (2009 – 2013) in order to:
  • Intensify capacity building in CHT institutions, in order to integrate all components into government or NGO partners, and gradually transfer authority, resources and responsibility.
  • Expand the health, education, economic development and community empowerment components to all un-served remote communities in selected Upazilas of CHT.
  • Increase emphasis on agriculture, food security and sustainable community-based forestry, as mentioned in the project document.
  • Continue confidence building and facilitate forums for discussion to accelerate implementation of the peace accord
With a total budget of USD 160.5 million, and 200 staff, across 5 offices, the Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility (CHTDF) is one of UNDP’s large interventions spanning across governance, peace-building and multiple sectors within one Facility.
In addition to UNDP’s own resources, funds have been made available by the European Union, Canada (CIDA), Denmark (DANIDA), USA (USAID), Norway, Australia (AusAID) and the Embassy of Japan since the inception. The Facility manages the respective donor agreements within one programmatic framework.
At present, CHTDF operates in 20 out of the total 25 upazilas in the three hill districts and intend to expand its coverage to 5 remaining upazilas during the remaining implementation timeframe. Currently in Khagrachari CHTDF covers 6 out of 8 upazilas, in Rangamati 8 upazilas out of 10 and in Bandarban 6 upazilas out of 7.
Current Situation:
The National Steering Committee (NSC) of the Facility held on 11 March 2012 discussed and endorsed a continuation of the Facility beyond the current timeframe (October 2009 to September 2013). A two-year no cost extension (September 2013-September 2015) was subsequently approved by the Government of Bangladesh and UNDP. The next phase of support is expected to facilitate a smooth transition to a possible new phase of programme support (post September 2015), which could be under National Execution modality as well as Direct Execution.
The recent review missions recognizes that CHTDF is still delivering significant results on the ground and new challenges as well as demands have emerged since the initial CHTDF’s design phase. Externally, these challenges include for example; the changing landscape for CHT development at the central Dhaka level, and regionally, unclear delineation of responsibilities between HDCs and sectors, difficulties between Peace Accord provisions transferring development responsibilities to HDCs and new sector programmes, pending elections of CHT-specific local government bodies, pressure for a solution on Land issues, unresolved IDP issues, changing demographics in CHT, changes in domestic political climate and the possible risk of waning support for Peace Accord implementation. 
In terms of the transferred subjects, health and primary education have been following sector-wide approach (SWAp) in which development partners are participating together (as opposed to financing project(s) independently) through pool-fund and also parallel funding (of components of SWAp). However, respective SWAp and its structural limitations remains an obstacle with regards to the CHT arrangements stipulated in the Peace Accord, in particular the financing, functionaries and staffing of these transfer subjects.

Duties and Responsibilities

MAIN OBJECTIVES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ANALYTICAL WORK: In preparation for the next project phase, a Management Review by one international consultant will be undertaken for CHTDF to undergo a strategic and comprehensive management and organizational review. The review will inform the Senior Management Team of the CHT Development Facility on the options and strategies for the management of the Facility in the next phase of support.
The specific objectives for this review are:
  • Review the appropriateness of current CHTDF organizational and management structure, system and practices to assess effectiveness and efficiency, including strengths and weaknesses. Assess the extent to which these structures strengthen the operationalization of the specific CHT legal and institutional framework as well as government ownership with a view to development sustainability.
  • Assess management and coordination mechanisms for both strategic and operational decision-making between the CHT Development Facility and Country Office. Review the coverage and distribution of core functions, delegation of authority from CO based on accountability, monitoring mechanisms, results & resources management, including reporting systems, budgeting and financial management processes.
  • Make recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and its management, based on the present scope of the programme as well as future scenarios for programme design post-September 2015 for deepening (adding new services) and/or widening (covering more people and areas) of CHTDF activities.
  • Advise UNDP Country Office Management and CHTDF Management on strengthening coordination and organizing the quality assurance function between Country Office and CHTDF
  • The management review consultant will give specific focus on the following areas:
  • Evaluate management roles, responsibilities and workloads
  • Recommend measurable programme management indicators for inclusion into the logframe & results framework with particular focus on having an aligned approach for sector interventions and engagement with Development Partners, with a view to reinforce Peace Accord implementation and sustainability of CHT institutions.
  • Re-assess extent of decentralization of functions (including technical and operational functions) to Upazila, district and regional level.
  • Undertake a functions review and an assessment of the project staff capacities
  • Advise on possible streamline of human resources management including staffing resource and skills requirements, recruitment, clear job titles, job descriptions, and delegation of authority, reporting lines and staff entitlements, capacity building programme, staff morale and incentives
  • Advise on overall systems and roles/responsibilities for budget and financial management, including community-contract approvals and processing, accounting and reporting within the CHTDF organization.
  • Strengthen management information systems, rules, procedures and methods
  • Recommend a learning and knowledge management system and practices
  • Recommend a time-bound implementation action plan to CHTDF SMT during the transition period in 2013 as well as for the period Sep 2013-Sep 2015 in the lead up towards the new programme phase. A detailed plan will include sequenced tasks assigned to specific individuals, milestones, deadlines, and expected results. 
  • Provide some practical interventions/options for a new structure, enhanced managerial arrangements and revised business processes to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability for new project phase.
The consultant will report to the Director of the CHTDF Development Facility, with close collaboration with the CHTDF Senior Management Team.
The management review consultant will:
  • Read key background documents on CHTDF.
  • Receive a separate briefing from CHTDF, UNDP, MoCHTA, RC, HDCs, Circle Chiefs and other partners.
  • Conduct structured interviews with key CHTDF staff members including SMT and relevant RCT, government officials, PNGO directors and key stakeholders.
  • Hold a series of focus group discussions, with CHT stakeholders (including beneficiaries) in all 3 districts
  • Present draft findings to CHTDF senior management in the form of a power point presentation, draft recommendations, draft executive summary, obtain feedback, and finalize the report
Following are the key background readings that will be available to the consultant:
  • Project documents
  • CHTDF Log frame
  • EU project document “Supporting Local Development in the CHT”
  • DANIDA project document on “Agriculture and Food security Phase II”
  • EU project document on “Support to Basic Education in the CHT”
  • CHTDF’s annual work plan and budgets for 2010/11, 2011/2012 and 2012/2013
  • Organogram, matrix of reporting arrangements, and project structure
  • Staff list and ToR of the key management staff
  • LOAs and MOUs signed with partner institutions and UN Agencies
  • Concept notes on future programme.
  • Notes from Internal Review of CHTDF Strategies & Recommendations
  • Concept Notes from initial formulation process
Deliverables/Outputs of the assignment/service:
The management review consultant will produce a final report and submit to CHTDF.
Format of report will include the following:
  • Executive Summary
  • Review of current CHTDF organizational and management structure, system and practices
  • Assess management and coordination mechanisms for both strategic and operational decision-making between the project and Country Office. 
  • Options and Key recommendations (including sequencing, milestones, staff responsibilities)
  • Management and Organizational Changes during Transition Phase (Sep 13-15)
  • Recommendations for Post Sep-2015 Programme Design

Tentative Payment Schedule: (Please refer to the IC notice in the link below)
Period of Assignment:
The review will take place in May-June 2013. The total duration of the assignment will be six weeks  
(30 working days) comprising four (4) weeks in country. The final report should be submitted to CHTDF within two (2) weeks after departure.
CHTDF will provide working space in its offices, transport facilities for project related visits and necessary supports for the workshops and meetings. All other inputs to carry out the service will have to be borne by the consultant.


  • Demonstrates substantive and technical knowledge to meet responsibilities and post requirements
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

Required Skills and Experience

Academic Qualifications:
  • Masters degree in relevant field

  • At least 10 years of experience with a strong track record in organizational development, strategic planning and project management in a developing country context, preferably on international development projects in Asia.
  • Strong track record of comprehensive management and institutional appraisals including a clear used of governance arrangements to support implementation and development assistance in this context.
  • Previous experience reviewing large-scale, complex, post-conflict/peace building and poverty reduction initiatives an advantage.
  • Knowledge of the UN system and in particular UNDP is an advantage.
  • Experience in leading large scale participatory management reviews.
Language Requirements:
  • English is required.
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
  • Proposal: Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work and providing a brief methodology, including a timeline, on how they will approach and conduct the work
  • Financial proposal
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references

Lump sum contracts:
The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in installments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal will include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (including travel, per diems, and number of anticipated working days). The financial proposal should be submitted in US Dollar.
All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel. In general, UNDP shall not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the Consultant wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources. In the case of unforeseeable travel not mentioned in the TOR, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.
Proposal of Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodologies:
Preliminary Evaluation:
Prior to the technical evaluation all proposals will be screened based on the eligibility criteria mentioned in the table below. To be eligible for technical evaluation a proposal must meet both the criteria. Any proposal not meeting either of these criteria will be rejected from the evaluation. There is no scoring in this stage and screening will be done pass/fail basis.
Eligibility Criteria (Yes/No):
  • Masters degree  in  relevant field.
  • At least 10 years of experience with a strong track record in organizational development, strategic planning and project management in a developing country context, preferably on international development projects in Asia. 
Technical Evaluation: (Total obtainable score 70)
All proposals that passed through the preliminary evaluation will be scored out of 70 based on the criteria mentioned in the table below. To qualify in the technical evaluation a proposal must obtain minimum 70% of the total obtainable technical score or at least 49 points. Any proposal obtaining a score less than the minimum required score (49) will be technically disqualified. Proposals achieving 70% or more points in the technical evaluation will be considered for financial evaluation.
Technical Evaluation Criteria (70%)
  • Appropriateness of the proposed methodology including the timeline.
  • Strong track record of comprehensive management and institutional appraisals including a clear understanding of governance arrangements to support implementation and development assistance in this context.
  • Experience in leading large scale participatory management reviews.
  • Excellent reporting writing and presentation skills. 
Applicants may also be invited for a face to face/telephone interview as part of the technical evaluation process. The interview shall not bear any additional score but shall be used to validate the scores given above by assessing the knowledge on the subject matter.
 Financial Evaluation: (Total obtainable score – 30)
 All technically qualified proposals will be scored out 30 based on the formula provided below. The maximum points (30) will be assigned to the lowest financial proposal. All other proposals receive points according to the following formula:
p = y (μ/z)                                                                  
p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated
y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal
μ = price of the lowest priced proposal
z = price of the proposal being evaluated

Final Selection:
The final selection will be completed through the cumulative calculation of obtained points from Technical and Financial Evaluation. The highest cumulative scorer will be awarded the contract.
Proposal should be submitted at ebidbox-chtdf.bd@undp.org   no later than 14th April 2013.
Proposal submitted to any other email address or location or submitted in hard copy shall not be accepted.
Detail IC Procurement Notice along with the TOR and submission guideline can be found in the following link,


FC: 30000
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.